Re-living my blog; a timely activity in this lock-down season

covid worries

It's been a long time since I last wrote on this blog. And I've been trying to reboot this a lot of times, saying this same old thing.

I'm already in my second year of medical school, then this covid-19 virus happened. I'm currently in quarantine in my rented room, demotivated and frustrated.

I'm worried I may not get to third year status as my grades needs some building up to do. Yet, I'm also worried the school is planning for exams on resumption (after the ECQ), and it will be done at school, like people will be there.

I tried to motivate myself to do tasks, but I'm just little bit discouraged. I get a lot of ideas but I can't possibly execute them. Taking care of yourself, doing the little things like cooking, feeding, washing clothes is just energy and time consuming, I'd be left with less spark when I try to open up my reading list.

What's happening?


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