
I dont know if I'm happy or sad, we just end up summer class yesterday. Me and my friends decided to bond for the last time as classmates, since we know that we will be reshuffled in 2nd year. And maybe some of us wont make it, specially me.

We went to ayala, to picture city and we had a barkada photo shoot. It was fun, and might be the last time we hang-out together as classmates. Then we had our snack, came back to the studio to claim the pictures and meet some of our other classmates.

I just dont understand why sometimes we're so insecure to other people. We try to look for the tiniest flaw we can use against each other. I'm so tired of such cheap back fights. I just want to be happy, that's all.

I hope i pass Zoology lec and lab, and be able to see my classmates this june. I hope so. And i'm gonna miss my classmates, really. And farewell, hello to a new world. :)


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