Happy Earth Day 4-22-09

Every April 22nd of the year is an Earth Day. It is a day of awareness and appreciation to our dearest and the only planet we can survive, Earth.

Founded by US senator Gaylord Nelson in 1970.

Call the Capitol switchboard at 202 224-3121 and tell your member of Congress to support the Markey climate bill
Earth Day Network believes the Markey-Waxman climate bill is a reasonable measure that moves the US toward a green energy future and new economy based on renewable energy that will go along way toward pollution reduction requirements for climate change.

The bill has strong clean energy standards that will transform the economy and encompass the latest in climate science.

The bill could be strengthened in the areas of 100 percent emissions auctions and in offsets and could use stronger enforcement mechanisms. We look forward to working with Chairmen Markey and Waxman on such strengthening measures.

We applaud Chairmen Waxman and Markey for their longstanding leadership on global warming and for their hard work on the legislation. Please call your member of Congress through the Capitol switchboard at 202 224-3121 and ask them to support the Markey Waxman climate bill and to strengthen it. -EarthDayNetwork

So what can we do to show our gratitude to our only Earth?

For more information about this special awareness, you may visit the following:
1. Earth Day
2. Earth Day- Wiki


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